Sorry we're not currently taking orders please check back November 1st, 2020.



Recommended Generators:

To run a full size refrigerator, a few electronics, lights and fans, we recommend a 2500 Watt Generator with 3 to 4 batteries and, 300-600 Watts of solar panel power.  (Choose the SOLGEN 25P or the SOLGEN 25P24 and select number of batteries and panels.)

To run fewer and/or smaller items, 1-2 batteries and 150-300 Watts of solar panel power should cover your needs.  (Our smallest and most affordable unit is the SOLGEN 25M.)

To run more appliances (e.i. fridge, washer, electronics, lights, fans), consider a 4000 Watt system or higher.  (SOLGEN 40P24, SOLGEN 40S or, our largest system, the SOLGEN 60S.)

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